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Workday Finance Security Roles

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

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UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

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Payments & Expensing

Send Invoices to automated system: [email protected]

Invoices & Payments Inquiries: [email protected]

Expense: [email protected]

T&E Card General Information: [email protected] 

T&E Card Declined/Urgent: c[email protected]

Travel Planning

Travel Inquiries: [email protected]

Budget Management

UVAHR Solutions Center: [email protected]


UVAHR Solutions Center: [email protected]

Treasury & Cash Management

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

Accounting & Tax

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

Payments to UVA

UVA Payment Card Services: [email protected]

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

Property & Liability Risk Management

Risk Management: [email protected]

Business Assets & Cost Recovery

UVAHR Solutions Center: [email protected]

Reporting & Analytics

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

Internal Finance Support

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]

UVAFinance LSP Support: [email protected]

Training & Communication Support

UVAFinance Solutions Center: [email protected]