Invoices & Receiving

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If you need assistance or have questions please reach out to UVAFinance

(434) 924-3400

Send Invoices to

Suppliers should send PO invoices directly to Accounts Payable by PDF, by email at [email protected] 

  • Invoices must include a valid PO number on the header of the invoice, and a clearly-marked total.
    • UVA PO numbers will fit one of the two naming conventions:
      • A 10-digit alpha-numeric code beginning with "PO-" and followed by a 7-digit number.  If "PO-" exists, you must include that prefix on your invoice (e.g. PO-1234567).
      • A 7-digit numeric code with no prefix (e.g. 1234567).
  • Invoices must include an invoice number.
  • Invoices must be sent as PDF documents.
  • Statements shall not be submitted for invoice purposes.

Suppliers registered in PaymentWorks can view the status of their invoices in the Invoice section on their Profile page.  If you are not registered in PaymentWorks, please contact [email protected] and we will send you an invitation to register.  Until you are registered, please use our Invoice Lookup Tool for more information about your invoice.

We strongly encourage sending invoices by email.  If sending by mail, send to: 

  • University of Virginia Accounts Payable
  • PO BOX 400197
  • Charlottesville, VA 22904


Tina Brice

Tina Brice

Accounts Payable and Payment Specialist
Maheshwor Ghimire

Maheshwor Ghimire

Fiscal Technician
Moserah Nkosi

Moserah Nkosi

Travel & Expense Program Coordinator
Shelly Winston Bowers

Shelly Winston-Bowers

Accounts Payable and Payment Specialist